Map of Population Change by County

This is an interactive map of Population Change between 2019 and 2023. Magenta hues represent counties with population losses. Green counties gained people. Hover over the map to see the county, state, population in 2019, population in 2023, population change, and percent of population change. Zoom in for more detail. Scroll down for more information.

Population Change

U.S. Population Shifts

For the last 5 years the United States has had major events that have affected its population overall.

The reasoning for this map was to see how much each county's population changed after the COVID pandemic. I am not referring just to the loss of life, but to internal migration caused by the pandemic.

It is well known that there was a major migration of New Yorkers and Californians to states like Florida and Texas, but where this migrations from all over each state?

This is a more detailed showing what happened in each county.

This map's intention was to check if it was as drastic and major as it was talked about.

The underlying reasons may be home prices, international migration, COVID restrictions, economic downturn, protests, or all of the above.

If you are interested in demographics and population changes, Amazon has The Age of Decay: How Aging and Shrinking Populations could Usher in the Decline of Civilization. This book is a provocative read that will stimulate debate over the impact of the shifting demographics on society.

Counties with Major Net Population Losses

  1. Los Angeles County, California
  2. San Francisco County, California
  3. San Diego County, California
  4. Baltimore city, Maryland
  5. Santa Clara County, California

California overall has lost population, but the trend is more drastic on the coast.

The main reason for this loss are housing costs, congestion, cost-of-living, and low birth rates. Newsweek.

Baltimore has also seen a major drop in its population. This is due to crime and low educational attainment. MFN.

As informed by the media, the state of New York has lost people since 2020.

The main reasons are migration, low birthrates, and an aging population. Source: Times Union.

Metropolitan counties like New York and the Bronx did loose population, but rural NY counties are losing more people.

Connecticut is a special case. Between 2019 and 2023 the state of Connecticut reorganized its subdivisions. They are no longer counties but regions.

The map shows the difference from the equivalent regions, but they are not accurate.

Counties with Major Net Population Gains

  1. Clark County, Nevada
  2. Denton County, Texas
  3. Harris County, Texas
  4. Collin County, Texas
  5. Maricopa County, Arizona

Because the population loss in each county might not be significant in another I decided to also include below the counties with the largest percentage change in the number of people.

In such cases there are other counties that have been significantly affected by gain or loss of population.

Counties with Larger Percentage Loses

  1. Kenedy County, Texas
  2. Loving County, Texas
  3. Kalawao County, Hawaii
  4. Glasscock County, Texas
  5. Lake and Peninsula Borough, Alaska

Counties with Larger Percentage Gains

  1. Kaufman County, Texas
  2. Jones County, South Dakota
  3. Madison County, Idaho
  4. Alpine County, California
  5. Harding County, New Mexico

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Resources for Population Change Map

The Shapefiles for the states were downloaded from Natural Earth.

The county shapefiles and Population data came from US Census Bureau.

Made by Luz K. Molina with D3.js.

This map will be updated with improved and recent information! To receive updates on this and more maps, join my email list!!!!!!!

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Map of Population Change by county in the USA